Saturday, January 4, 2014


Resolution? I have mine. Guess? It was posted on Facebook. I'll bring it down here forward.

2013 is coming to an end so I'll be summarizing my expected wish and resolution. Let's go 2014!

Firstly, focus on promotion of any job I applied for.

Secondly, critical judgement on looking for a proper girlfriend prior to bad appointment as of the current year which shall be removed entirely as possible.

Thirdly, make more efforts in Dota 2 in terms of media coverage , stand-in's of team possible and also promote strong awareness in E-Sports I focus on.

Forthly, avoid unnecessary and low tier beings. Be aware of friends who can turn against you and so on forth.

Lastly, get trustworthy friends and business clients. Pray to those who respect me and so as I to be strong in whatever they do!